Saturday, January 27, 2007

Things that Ava Loves!

Flailing toys in her new highchair


Ava is exactly 5 months old in this picture!
Big sister has to get in on the camera action :-)
Ava is loving her Johny Jumper. Yes this is the same jumper used by Leah, Joshua, and Naomi. Its a family tradition!

See? Snotty.

The 4th-18th it was Snotsville around here. Thankfully, Ava got a very light version of the nasty cold Naomi had. If you want to see it up close click on the picture :-) Enjoy!

January, Week 1

1. The frog collection: Naomi, Tad (whom she prefers to cal Tack), Lily, Ava and of coarse a pink baby for good measure :-)
2. Ava wants Christmas to stay!
3. Can you see that look of adoration in her eyes? Good picture, Steve!
4. YES! Naomi uses the potty! And yesterday was our first accident free day!!! Hooray.
5. Time for a walk!


Okay, so between the snot and the sunshine I haven't made time to sit and upload but I'm here now so here they come... I'll also upload some cute videos so check out the "Watson Family Movies" to the right.